Closed on all Legal Holidays
Supervisor's Office: Rod Votra 315-265-2131 Option #2 Supervisor's Mailing Address: P.O. Box 155, Parishville, NY 13672 email- [email protected] Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Records Management Office Connie Maguire, Notary Public, Registrar of Vital Statistics 315-265-2131-option #1 email- [email protected] Town Clerk's Mailing Address: P.O. Box 246, Parishville, NY 13672 Monday 8:30 AM – 5 PM Tuesday 8:30 AM-4 PM, Closed 12:00-1:00 for lunch Wed. - Closed Thursday- 8:30 AM- 4PM Friday 8:30AM- 12PM Call to make an appointment if needed outside these hours. |
Assessor's Office
Sole Appointed- David Burl (265-2131) option #7 email-[email protected] Code Enforcement Officer: Jeff Murray (265-2131) option #6 or 315-222-5532 email-[email protected] Office hours- Thursdays 5 PM to 9 PM or by appointment- call 315-222-5532 |
Parishville Park
315-265-8308 email-[email protected] Memorial Day thru' Sept. 30th 9 AM to 8 PM Transfer Station: 315-265-2142 Wednesday 7:30 AM-5 PM Saturday 7:30 AM - 5 PM Sunday 7:30 AM- 12 PM Town Court: 1st and 3rd Tuesday @ 2:00 PM 315-265-2131 Judge. ext. 226 Court Clerk- Lori Hayes ext. 225 Deputy Court Clerk: Connie Maguire ext. 228 Fax 315-265-2132 |
Water District or Park
MAINTAINENCE SUPERVISOR: RYAN JACOT 315-265-8308 [email protected] Highway Department Highway Superintendent: Steven Hart 316-265-6832 [email protected] All Regular Town Board Meetings 4th Tuesday of each month in the Town Hall ALL MEETINGS ARE AT 5:00 PM. The public is welcome to attend. |